How to Create the Perfect Soft Play Area for Your Venue, Coffee Shop, or Soft Play Centre

How to Create the Perfect Soft Play Area for Your Venue, Coffee Shop, or Soft Play Centre

Incorporating a soft play area in your venue, coffee shop, or soft play centre is an excellent way to attract families, increase foot traffic, and enhance customer satisfaction. With the right products and setup, you can transform a part of your space into a vibrant, fun, and safe play zone that delights children and parents alike. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you create the perfect soft play area for your business.

Why Create a Soft Play Area?

Before diving into the setup, let's understand why a soft play area is beneficial for your business:

  • Attract Families: A dedicated play area makes your venue more appealing to families with young children.
  • Increase Dwell Time: Parents are likely to stay longer and make more purchases when their children are entertained.
  • Customer Loyalty: Providing a safe and fun environment can enhance customer satisfaction and encourage repeat visits.
  • Competitive Edge: Stand out from competitors by offering a unique and engaging experience for families.

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Your Soft Play Area

1. Assess the Space

Evaluate the available space in your venue. Measure the area to ensure that the soft play equipment you choose fits comfortably without disrupting the flow of your establishment.

2. Choose the Right Soft Play Equipment

Here are some top products from Children's Soft Play UK that can help you create an engaging and safe play area:

Soft Play Shapes

Soft play shapes are versatile and can be used for climbing, building, and imaginative play. Consider these options:

Ball Pits

Ball pits are a fun addition to any soft play area and provide sensory play opportunities. All Ball pits are durable and easy to clean, filled with colourful balls.

Soft Play Mats

Soft play mats are essential for safety, providing a cushioned surface for play. They are easy to assemble and customisable to your space.


Soft Play Bridge Sets 

Soft play bridge sets add an element of adventure and hide-and-seek fun.


3. Design the Layout

Plan the layout of your soft play area carefully. Ensure there is enough space for movement and that the play equipment is arranged in a way that allows for safe play. Consider creating zones for different activities, such as a climbing area, a ball pit zone, and a relaxation corner with mats and pillows.

4. Add Personal Touches

  • Personalise the play area to make it more inviting and engaging:
  • Themes: Choose a theme that resonates with your brand or the local community, such as jungle, ocean, or space.
  • Decorations: Add wall decals, colourful curtains, and fairy lights to enhance the ambiance.
  • Storage: Incorporate storage solutions like bins and shelves to keep the area tidy.

 5. Ensure Safety

  • Safety should be your top priority. Here are some tips:
  • Supervision: Ensure that staff or parents can easily supervise the play area.
  • Regular Checks: Inspect the equipment regularly for wear and tear.
  • Secure Fixtures: Ensure all equipment is securely placed to prevent tipping.

6. Maintain Cleanliness

Keeping the play area clean is crucial for the health and satisfaction of your customers:

  • Regular Cleaning: Wipe down the equipment and wash the ball pit balls periodically.
  • Hygiene: Provide hand sanitisers and encourage handwashing before and after playtime.

7. Promote Your Soft Play Area

Let your customers know about your new soft play area:

  • Social Media: Share photos and videos of the play area on social media platforms.
  • Email Newsletters: Include information about the play area in your email
  • Local Advertising: Use local newspapers, magazines, and online community boards to promote your play area.
  • Special Events: Host special events or themed days to attract new families.


Creating a soft play area in your venue, coffee shop, or soft play centre can provide endless benefits, from attracting more families to increasing customer loyalty. By choosing the right products from Children's Soft Play UK and following the steps outlined above, you can create a safe, engaging, and delightful play space that keeps children entertained and parents happy. Invest in quality equipment and personalize the area to reflect your business's unique character, ensuring you offer a perfect place for play, learn, and grow.

For more products and ideas, visit Children's Soft Play UK and start enhancing your venue today!

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